Canada 2005

This trip to Cana­da was a good one, despite some minor incon­ve­niences. Much good food was eat­en [I’ve regained all the weight I lost through mono], many many fish were caught, and I even man­aged to get a lit­tle sun­tan.

The dri­ve was a bit gru­el­ing, but then, it always is. Noth­ing sim­ple about a 20 hour dri­ve. We stopped at Gan­der Moun­tain in Duluth, to buy some tack­le [they had free wire­less, but I did­n’t get a chance to post any­thing] and for din­ner we ate, once again, at The Sawmill Saloon & Restau­rant, a ver­i­ta­ble oasis of young, hot wait­ress­es, before skedad­dling up to Inter­na­tion­al Falls and Fort Frances. [The Duty Free store in Inter­na­tion­al Falls had free wire­less too.] After we crossed the bor­der to Fort Frances we drove about a block to our old ha’nt, the Mak­abi Inn. We made it to Ejay’s [now under new man­age­ment, and called JR’s] at about noon the next day, unloaded every­thing in the bright sun and went fish­ing. With­in five min­utes of cast­ing the first line in the water, my uncle caught a 19 inch wall­eye. It was hot.

Of course, the next three days it rained the entire time. But with the fish­ing as excel­lent as it was we kind of for­got about being cold and clam­my and wet. We stopped fish­ing to eat and stopped eat­ing to fish, and let me tell you, I packed it away all week long. Toward the end of the week my appetite returned to nor­mal and I decid­ed I must have final­ly got­ten back to nor­mal Adam-weight.

The new camp own­er was a real­ly nice guy, but he’s gonna need some help. It isn’t easy to run a camp all by your­self. He’s got some upgrades in mind though, one of which is wire­less inter­net. Imag­ine that, wire­less inter­net an hour from the near­est town, when the phone itself is still a radio phone. That would rock.

I don’t have any pic­tures this year because my cam­era gave up the ghost. I’ve got a freez­er full of fish and 4 pos­si­ble meals planned with oth­ers to help eat it all. Now that I’m back I have to jump back into Tremont stuff. We’ve got a hug neigh­bor­hood yard sale this week­end.

2 thoughts on “Canada 2005”

  1. vaca­tions need to be had more often.

    glad to hear you gained your weight back.

    and wel­come back!


  2. Adam,

    Glad you had a great vaca­tion in my home­land. Duluth is a hoot, did you say a freez­er full of fish­es? We have been wait­ing for you to have an alter­na­tive to Wal-Mart meet­ing. When ready send me a note.

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