Swenson’s Drive-In

I had lunch at Swen­son’s Dri­ve-In in Sev­en Hills. It was unlike Kunkel’s Dri­ve-in in Con­nersville, they did­n’t have the old box­es to call inside, instead you turn on your lights. The carhops run to and from the vehi­cles, I imag­ine they stay in good shape doing this. One of the carhops looked like she was prob­a­bly a com­pet­i­tive run­ner. I got burg­ers. Part of my quest to find a decent ham­burg­er in Cleve­land.

I got a Gal­ley Boy Bas­ket with onion rings instead of fries and coleslaw, anoth­er Gal­ley Boy and a Choco­late Milk­shake. The burg­ers were like J’s Dairy Inn in Lib­er­ty, good, but not fan­tas­tic. The Gal­ley Boy is sauced with bar­be­cue and some­thing else. The buns are light­ly toast­ed. You can’t real­ly com­pare the burg­ers to Heck­’s since they are at oppo­site ends of the spec­trum, nei­ther fit­ting the per­fect burg­er cri­te­ria. Still, it is good to know there is a decent dri­ve-in rel­a­tive­ly close-by. Next Stop: Steven­son’s.

9 thoughts on “Swenson’s Drive-In”

  1. i like swen­sons for fast food. they used to have just guys be the car hops (at least in kent). Girls were car hops at the A&W down the street.

    There seems to be more dri­ve-in restau­rants in the akron area than cleve­land. In addi­tion to Swen­sons and A&W, there’s Sky­way and maybe anoth­er place.

  2. If you ever find a good burg­er in Cleve­land, let us know here. I haven’t found a great one yet, but decent ones at Bass Lake Tav­ern in Chardon, Fish­er’s Tav­ern in May­field Vil­lage and Mex­imil­lian’s in Men­tor (at least they taste like meat).

  3. We are always on the search for the Best Burg­er in Cleve­land. it seems though, if one goes by awards, that Cleve­land has a big self con­fi­dence issue with it’s burg­ers.

  4. I assume by “we” you mean some­one oth­er than me, since I already know you make the best veg­gie burg­er in town.

  5. Swen­sons puts brown sug­ar in their meat. Their burg­ers are per­fect with a spot of ketchup and rel­ish. I’ve nev­er had a bet­ter burg­er in Ohio.

    We did Red Robin the oth­er night…but I think the best thing about that place is bot­tom­less bas­kets of french fries. My burg­er was pret­ty good, though.

  6. Shalom Adam,

    I’ve been told that the burg­ers at Eat At Joe’s at the cor­ner of May­field and Green (It’s actu­al­ly at the back of the CVS) are pret­ty good.

    The burg­ers at Bren­nan’s Colony on Lee road are good too.

    Hmmm… Sounds like a blog chal­lenge 10 burg­ers in five days? Could be fun.



  7. I can­not imag­ine a bet­ter tast­ing cheese­burg­er than those you get from Swen­sons. I sup­pose I believe you when you say you’ve had bet­ter, but man is that hard to swal­low.

  8. Yes, I’m still alive, and still read­ing. I have to agree with Kur­tiss up there…I dig the plain old cheese­burg­er at swen­son’s, extra pick­les and ketchup. Yum. Pair that with their tater tots with cheese fill­ing and you have instant hang­over cure.


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