Kaiser Famous Dill Pickle

I’ve been defeat­ed by a mere cucum­ber! Well, not per­haps mere. The Kaiser Famous Dill Pick­le, made by Kaiser Foods in Cincin­nati, OH [no web­site] is a dan­ger­ous adver­sary. The pick­le, which I’m assum­ing weighed in at just less than one pound, came in a plas­tic bag and was sit­ting in its own brine. It cost one dol­lar and had a total of 5 calo­ries. It also had 1050mg of sodi­um, or 44% of the RDA. The bag explic­it­ly states that it con­tains one pick­le. By gum, its a mankiller. I did­n’t fin­ish it. It was like lick­ing the ground of the Great Salt Lake and wash­ing it down with some Dead Sea water. Bleargh. Every­thing tastes like salt now and my chest is burn­ing.

8 thoughts on “Kaiser Famous Dill Pickle”

  1. The meat­ball sand­wich? It looks uh, not so good…try the chopped steak with A‑1 sauce. But then again, the not so good makes for good read­ing.

  2. I real­ly love your pick­le’s, I had my first taste of them at a movie the­ather. Is there a place where I can pur­chase a jar of them They are the best I have ever had.


    Lau­ra Big­gar
    San Anto­nio, Texas

  3. I am assist­ing the youth direc­tors in my church and our first goal is to pur­chase a youth van. How can I pur­chase whole­sale with your com­pa­ny? I love these pick­les and have since I was a lit­tle girl. I was so amazed to find them indi­vid­u­al­ly wrapped and still with the same great taste. I would love to sell your prod­uct to help the youth in my church aim towards reach­ing their goal.

  4. I just got one from our vend­ing machines at work. It had to have been been the most dis­cust­ing thing I have ever tried to eat. Its just like the gen­tle­men pre­vi­ous­ly said, Its like bit­ing into a salt block. Could not eat any­more after 2 bites. Can not rec­om­mend at all. Real­ly bad.

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