Mean Note

In the tra­di­tion of Mad­dox and Found, I bring you this hybrid of both, which end­ed up on the wind­shield of my car this past Sat­ur­day at the WSM.


Now, the rea­son this is so fun­ny is that when I parked my car there were no oth­er cars in the sur­round­ing spaces. So unless that per­son­’s car was invis­i­ble, I could­n’t have hit it. And if that per­son­’s car was invis­i­ble, they should be glad I did­n’t crush it under my Oldsmo­bile. My car, while it looks crap­py, gets about 30mpg and will be good for anoth­er 130k miles. There. I have defend­ed its hon­or.

5 thoughts on “Mean Note”

  1. when liv­ing in my first apt., i was seri­ous­ly harassed by a guy who thought i hit his car in the apt.‘s park­ing lot. (i was gone all day, so there was no pos­si­ble way it was me.) any­way, upon enter­ing my apt., he comes charg­ing at me (i think he was on some­thing too) and starts yelling at me and lyn­ds about hav­ing hit his car. he was rag­ing quite a bit. i froze, while lyn­ds had more balls and told him off a bit. any­way, he ends up spit­ting on our door (mas­sive streaks) and leaves shoes with poop on them in front of our door. there may have been oth­er things, but i have blocked them out of my mem­o­ry.
    it was SCARY!

    i pray the note is all you get. 😉

  2. Adam,

    I just love read­ing about your dai­ly cri­sis, the way you han­dle it is so sane and logical…I love your blog, I hope it con­tin­ues to delight for a long time

  3. I’m a bit dis­ap­point­ed in you, Adam.
    In the giv­en con­text “idiot” is a title and should there­fore be cap­i­tal­ized. “Thanks” is either a noun, (in which case “for hit­ting my car” describes the pur­pose of said “thanks,” so “thanks for hit­ting my car” is a sub­ject lack­ing a verb) or a verb with an uniden­ti­fied third per­son sub­ject and unknown direct object (exam­ple: “Joe thanks Sue for hit­ting my car.”).

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