I visit every weblog on my sidebar every day, I also visit the ones on my [woefully outdated] link list a few times a week. Since bunches of the other Cleveland webloggers are posting about which blogs they read, I’ll do the same, but a bit different as well.
My “must-read” weblogs are few, but MetaFilter tops the list. It is a community weblog [I’m a member] that has gotten a bit too foamy-mouthed political and newsy of late, but still provides most of the cool stuff I find on the internets. Stuff that usually ends up on my other sidebar. Other must reads include Unpoetic, a poet friend in NYC who really should update more. On the film front, nothing beats out Strictly Film School when it comes to flicks I’d never hear about otherwise. The site is beautiful as well. For my academia fix, I go to Arts & Letter Daily which culls out great stuff on a daily basis. For a variety of music I’m either reading 3Hive or listening to WOXY. When it comes to art and writing, nothing beats the taste of Riley Dog. Local weblogs I can’t live without include Your Daily Art, NEO Babble, Have Coffee, Will Write and all my friends’ weblogs. [Friends who have weblogs as opposed to webloggers who are friends].