Lazy Labor Day

I had a long and unpro­duc­tive week­end, but I did get quite a bit of exer­cise, coun­ter­act­ed by eat­ing a few pints of ice cream. I man­aged to fin­ish Stephen King’s Dark Tow­er series, and I’m still pro­cess­ing it. One thing is for sure, Stephen King knows how to catch you up in his writ­ing, he main­tains good pace, salty dia­logue and wry­ness through­out. I nev­er real­ly get bored. On the oth­er hand, I’ve been reread­ing Robert Jor­dan’s Wheel of Time series in antic­i­pa­tion of Book 11, which will be released in Octo­ber. I start­ed this series when I was nine, and I’ve long since out­grown it, but I’ve invest­ed enough time that I’ve got to see it through. Robert Jor­dan writes like an anchor. Para­graphs of thoughts and descrip­tions, appear between sen­tences, pages are spent describ­ing dif­fer­ent changes of clothes and the ratio­nales behind them. After read­ing King, Jor­dan is even worse than usu­al. It is no won­der I went for lots of bike rides and runs.

I rode around Down­town Cleve­land for a while on Mon­day, and rub­ber­necked at the Air­show while wait­ing for a Crit­i­cal Mass bike ride that nev­er mate­ri­al­ized. I watched Notre Dame’s sea­son open­er on Sat­ur­day evening, and while I don’t have much to judge upon after one game, I do have to say that there were way too many penal­ty flags tossed about. We need to clean up our act on that front. Oth­er than that I made gun­slinger bur­ri­tos again, this time with fish, and slept a whole hell of a lot.

5 thoughts on “Lazy Labor Day”

  1. What about all the events you post­ed a few posts ago? I was look­ing fwd to full descrip­tions of how those went, ya lazy ass 😉

    My thoughts on Crit­i­cal Mass

  2. Yeah, I’m lazy. And poor. But most­ly lazy. I see what you mean about the pos­si­bil­i­ties of the Crit­i­cal Mass thing. Some­one was telling me about one that hap­pened up nawth some­where and cops were beat­ing the cyclists. I did­n’t real­ly research it much until after no one showed up. I just though it was gonna be a bunch of folks rid­ing through the emp­ty labor day down­town.

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