Travel Travails

I’ve come home for my moth­er’s birth­day this week­end. I was exhaust­ed and grouchy from the trip home and the advi­sor meet­ing I’d had at CSU yes­ter­day. Appar­ent­ly it is going to take over two years for me to get all the class­es in that are nec­es­sary to get a teacher’s license. Then, when I left the Rhodes Tow­er, I dis­cov­ered that you aren’t allowed to park at the meters from 4:00–6:30, result­ing in a $35 park­ing tick­et, then, rush hour traf­fic. So I end­ed up on the road a full hour lat­er than I’d antic­i­pat­ed. I was get­ting sleepy around 6, so I stopped and picked up some Vit­a­min Water “Ener­gy”. The good thing about hav­ing a low caf­feine intake means a lit­tle goes a long way. The bad thing is that I could taste the bit­ter­ness of the caf­feine and guarana in my drinks. In addi­tion to the Vit­a­min Water, I ate half a box of choco­late frost­ed donettes. I final­ly made it home and had a bowl of sausage and pota­to soup, made by my moth­er. Then I slept for 12 hours. Now that I’m awake, it is time to wash the vinyl sid­ing.

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