Weblogger Pandemic

I’m cur­rent­ly putting togeth­er a cou­ple of web­sites for pals of mine and have been spend­ing inor­di­nate amounts of time at Luck­y’s hash­ing stuff togeth­er. Last night, the shop was pret­ty busy. An old man asked me some rather biased sur­vey ques­tions, I eaves­dropped on a block club meet­ing, and had a good learn­ing expe­ri­ence talk­ing to Steve Gold­berg about Bud­dhism. Then I prompt­ly dis­re­gard­ed his wis­dom and killed a fly. Even if I do good things to attempt to coun­ter­act the bad kar­ma I incurred, plant­i­ng a fruit tree in a pep­per patch does­n’t make the pep­pers any less hot. There are neu­tral acts in Bud­dhism, which is an inter­est­ing con­cept to me. Not help­ing a beg­gar would be shame­ful in Chris­t­ian con­text, but if you are Bud­dhist it is neu­tral, at least you did­n’t kick him. I’m sure I’m either get­ting this wrong or over­sim­pli­fy­ing. There is a lot of dif­fer­ent wis­dom in the world.

I went over to Edis­on’s for the open mic after Luck­y’s closed and was­n’t there ten min­utes before Bill Calla­han waltzed in. Then Tim showed up, then, a bit lat­er, George. Then, a bit lat­er, Steve again. It was like some sort of impromp­tu weblog­ger meet­up. I had a new beer: Red Hook which was too hop­py for me. I don’t like hop­py beers.

Inter­net Explor­er is my bane. These sites I’m putting togeth­er parse as XHTML Strict and dis­play cor­rect­ly on Fire­fox, but look like crap on Inter­net Explor­er. Arg.

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