
A friend of mine asked me to look over a poet­ry man­u­script last night and offer advice on the order and gen­er­al strength and weak­ness of the poems. This per­son [who shall remain name­less, place­less and alto­geth­er anony­mous until said per­son is famous for said per­son­’s poet­ry] is an excel­lent poet, and one to whom I have no lit­tle amount of respect. Thus, when I am asked to voice my opin­ions on this per­son­’s poet­ry, it is a chal­leng­ing and some­what hum­bling endeav­or. It is hum­bling because I feel hon­ored that my self-tutored thoughts have some sort of mass with this per­son. In fact, most times when I am hon­ored or feel hon­ored, it is a hum­bling expe­ri­ence, because appro­ba­tion is not some­thing I ever feel wor­thy of.

In any case, the poet­ry was excel­lent, and I’m a bit jeal­ous­ly glee­ful that I’ve had a chance to share in some secrets.

Link of the day: Jason Salavon