Traffic Cameras

I went to the Grog Shop last night to see my cowork­er’s band Humphry Clink­er. I rec­om­mend the port wine. On my way I got flashed twice by the traf­fic cam­eras on Chester. We’ll see if they tick­et me for going 7 miles over the speed lim­it in the mid­dle lane of an emp­ty street at 11 at night in clear weath­er. Inci­den­tal­ly, the flash bulb going off is quite star­tling. I won­der how a piece of elec­tron­ic equip­ment can be vest­ed with the author­i­ty of a full police offi­cer. Prob­a­bly gets in under the same clause that police dogs fit under. Can you tell I resent hav­ing my pic­ture tak­en for using pub­lic roads?

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