Joe Bob’s Screentest

Below you will see my first use of flash and my first attempt at stop ani­ma­tion. The pic­ture tak­ing took about 15 min­utes, but fig­ur­ing out the Flash inter­face took me a bit longer, espe­cial­ly since I could­n’t use the tuto­ri­als. This prob­a­bly took me two hours all told, but I’m still heart­ened by the rel­a­tive ease with which it came togeth­er. Per­haps there will be more adven­tures with Joe Bob in the future.

Length: 00:00:08
Size: 1.11 MB

5 thoughts on “Joe Bob’s Screentest”

  1. I real­ly got­ta fig­ure out how to make the file­size small­er. Flash uses a take on the “sprite” idea from way back in the ear­ly days of gam­ing, but with each from being a unique image, I don’t think that is going to work for me. I might just have to dis­trib­ute stuff via YouSendIt.

  2. Yea, Flash was­n’t real­ly made for frame-by-frame ani­ma­tion (though you can obvi­ous­ly do it). It excels more at tween­ing (which will also keep your file sizes down, but again, does­n’t work for what it looks like you’re doing).

  3. I might scrounge up some decent film edit­ing soft­ware for the PC, if there is such a thing. I’m only wor­ried about file size for band­width issues.

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