Malkovich Malkovich?

So I recent­ly fin­ished reread­ing The Redis­cov­ery of Man by Cord­wain­er Smith which has this big gov­ern­ment thing in it called The Instru­men­tal­i­ty of Mankind. So I’m dream­ing that I’m inter­act­ing with one of the main dudes in the Instru­men­tal­i­ty and we’re try­ing to fig­ure out what to do with these peo­ple who are sell­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be John Malkovich. I think I was sort of John Cusack­’s char­ac­ter but not real­ly, although Cameron Diaz and Cather­ine Keen­er were try­ing to kill me. I start­ed hang­ing from a garage door and say­ing “I am the voice of the audi­ence” since I knew I was in the movie but not of it. Cameron Diaz attacks me with her real­ly sharp fin­ger­nails and I run through a heavy met­al door that is sort of a safe door but only opens to a high school hall­way. Now we’re in You Can’t Do That on Tele­vi­sionland and every time that safe door opens a voice gives us a cha­rade that we have to take part in. Some­one named “DJ Stein” is con­trol­ling us. Then I woke up.

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