I bought new shoes today, New Balance 808 Trail Shoes from Dick’s Sporting Goods. The 808s are last year’s model, and since the 809s just came out I got $35 dollars off the price of the 808s. New shoes are an important purchase, and it is incredibly hard to find good shoes when you have feet like mine. Most shoes are medium width, but my feet are AAA narrow, so nothing ends up fitting that well, and I’m not willing to dish out the cash to buy shoes designed to fit my feet. I especially like the reinforced achilles heel support that the 808s boast. Keeps my feet from sliding around so much. One of my feet overpronates and the other doesn’t do anything wrong, so the tread wear on my old shoes is a bit strange. Still, the run today went amazingly good. New shoes really make a difference, especially shoes that don’t have treads worn to nubs. 5 miles in 40 minutes might not seem that great, but it is the fastest time for me this year.