
I try too hard and then I mar­vel at the patience of oth­ers. I was hang­ing out with Girl the oth­er night and after break­ing her work com­put­er once, and there­by caus­ing her work­place to insti­tute a “you break it, you pay to fix it” pol­i­cy, I did the same dum­b­ass thing that I had done the first time, there­by caus­ing unnec­es­sary stress and mon­e­tary dam­ages upon the poor benight­ed Girl. I can pay for get­ting it fixed but I can’t remove the stress. Per­haps I can make it up some­how.

4 thoughts on “Sometimes”

  1. Din­ner and a movie? (You don’t have to go out, just be a good cook and have a good DVD that she would like) Works for me when I get in trou­ble with the wife.

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