
This is the time of year when I’m extra-fid­gety, extra-grouchy, and extra-dis­sat­is­fied with life in gen­er­al. The mir­a­cle that is Feb­ru­ary, and per­haps Sea­son­al Affec­tive Dis­or­der; but diag­noses for every lit­tle thing aren’t real­ly my bag. What I could real­ly go for is about three hours in a fenc­ing gym and a lazy din­ner with no dish duty. I can’t have that so I’m going take care of my 2 o’clock appoint­ment, strap on my kicks, pound some pave­ment and attempt to cheer myself up by enjoy­ing the excel­lent weath­er we have today.

If I ever get a job that pays enough for me to let me splurge once in awhile I might actu­al­ly be able to afford to start fenc­ing again. That’d be the day.