13 thoughts on “Summer Reading List 2006”

  1. Shalom Adam,

    These are the two I’m rec­om­mend­ing to peo­ple now:

    Sex Wars by Marge Pier­cy, and
    Stone­henge by Bernard Corn­well.

    What have you got for me?



  2. Skip­ping Through Gomor­rah by Dan Sav­age for a lit­tle light read­ing.

    Nick­el and Dimed by Bar­bara Ehren­re­ich
    Ordi­nary Res­ur­rec­tions by Jonathon Kozol and
    A Prob­lem from Hell: Amer­i­ca and the Age of Geno­cide by Saman­tha Pow­er for a lit­tle unlight read­ing.

  3. “Kaf­ka on the Shore” or “Sput­nik Sweet­heart” by Haru­ki Muraka­mi are two favorites of mine read in recent years.

  4. Fic­tion rec­om­men­da­tion: “Hard-Boiled Won­der­land and the End of the World” by Haru­ki Muraka­mi

    Non­fic­tion rec­om­men­da­tion: “Gödel, Esch­er, Bach” by Dou­glas Hof­s­tadter.

  5. “Music of the Swamp” by Lewis Nor­don; one of my lit­er­a­ture pro­fes­sor’s favorites.

  6. “How To Talk To A Lib­er­al, If You Must” by Ann Coul­ter. Great read!

  7. Two from my trip to the CWRU book sale two Sat­u­radys ago, both are good for a week­end read:

    Girl with a Pearl Ear­ring (bet­ter than the movie)
    Slow­ness (by Milan Kun­dera)

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