
I just spoke to the board of Neigh­bor­hood Hous­ing Ser­vices Cleve­land [whoa 1994 site design!] about my trip to Nashville. They foot­ed the bill so it was only right that I tell them about it. The board has folks from all kinds of Cleve­land ser­vices as mem­bers and the City Coun­cil Chair­man Mar­tin Sweeney was there speak­ing about a pos­si­ble col­lab­o­ra­tion between Coun­cil and NHS. Two oth­er fel­low trip-tak­ers also talked about their work­shops.

I ran into Lou Tisler from NHS this morn­ing at Luck­y’s, pick­ing up bagels. The only thing is, I did­n’t real­ize he was Lou Tisler until I arrived at NHS, since I’d not met him before. The NHS build­ing is also hous­ing a curat­ed gallery by Brid­get Gin­ley. When com­mu­ni­ty activism, third-space coin­ci­dences and local art col­lab­o­rate, it is a recipe for a hap­py Adam. Some­times I feel like some­thing huge is about to hap­pen in Cleve­land.