Upstate Camping

Megan and AdamI went camp­ing at Fair Haven Beach State Park in New York this past week­end. The park was­n’t as good as I expect­ed it to be, since it was quite small and most­ly marsh, but it was still a fun time. There weren’t very many campers so ear­ly in the sea­son, but our site turned out to be right next to six dun­der­grads who were more inter­est­ed in lug­ging half downed trees to their site to burn and lis­ten­ing to shi­tas­tic rap music from the trunk of their car than actu­al­ly enjoy­ing nature.

We per­se­vered beyond their tin­hornery and kept a nice con­tained and very warm blaze of our own going. Talk­ing with Megan I learned much about hike-in back-coun­try camp­ing and would very much like to try it myself, although it will neces­si­tate sig­nif­i­cant mon­e­tary expen­di­ture to gear up.

The weath­er was nice, although ten degrees warmer would­n’t have been amiss, and it only rained for about an hour or so on Sat­ur­day morn­ing, and then bright­ened up con­sid­er­ably so the rest of the day was excel­lent, if a bit windy out near Lake Ontario. Sun­day was also beau­ti­ful, although we only enjoyed the morn­ing. I would have tak­en pic­tures, but there real­ly was­n’t a whole lot to take pic­tures of.

As for food, on Fri­day night we had bacon and beans, a Cana­di­an spe­cial­ty, as the beans were mixed with milk and then reduced a bit. It was good and very fill­ing. For break­fast we had instant oat­meal lib­er­al­ly enhanced with fresh fruit and muffins and hot choco­late, for lunch on Sat­ur­day we had roast beef and muen­ster sand­wich­es and Lay’s BBQ chips and for din­ner, hot dogs roast­ed on the fire and some wine much lat­er on. Sun­day break­fast was a repeat of Sat­ur­day and after we packed the tent back up we went to The Cato Din­er, sev­er­al miles away and each had a sec­ond break­fast.

We then went our sep­a­rate ways, but Megan is com­ing for a vis­it over Memo­r­i­al Day, which should be excel­lent.

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