
Get­ting to my apart­ment has been even hairi­er than usu­al late­ly. Both entrance streets are one way, but the one that is most acces­si­ble to me is on-again/off-again closed by a con­struc­tion com­pa­ny that is build­ing 5 $200k tax-abat­ed town­hous­es on about 2000 ft2 of land. Each town­house is, lit­er­al­ly, ten feet wide. Would you pay that kind of mon­ey for a house ten feet wide? They are going to be three sto­ries, with rooftop porch­es that have a delight­ful down­wind view of the steel mill and of the rot­ting rooftops of the hous­es next door to them. The last time I saw the plans, they were also going to have one wall angling out over the street, and one side of the build­ing cov­ered in cor­ru­ga­tion. That’ll look real­ly pret­ty after a few years of sul­fur diox­ide in the rain. I real­ly can’t see these things sell­ing, but they prob­a­bly will. I don’t know much about that.

I’m just bitch­ing because my ride home takes an extra three min­utes.

3 thoughts on “Development”

  1. not to men­tion the ear­ly morn­ing jack ham­mer­ing, nail gun­ning, board saw­ing nois­es. i am real­ly inter­est­ed in see­ing the fin­ished prod­uct. i did­n’t real­ize there were going to be five of them. that is pret­ty fun­ny.

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