•The Cleveland Planning Commission has this awesome interactive map that I was shown last evening while planning the 2007 Cleveland Leadership Summit. If you like playing with statistics, or trying to get an overview of basic city situations, this is the site for you.
• Here is a 2004 pdf from Juvenile Court with data on juvy crime based on Statistical Planning Area. Some interesting correlations can be found comparing this data to the map.
• If you are familiar with any resources and programs for youth and you live in the City of Cleveland, please give me that information, including Ward # and contact information if possible.
This is an essential part of our youth need assessment which, coupled with an in-school survey, will be presented to Mayor Jackson with a request that city employees be allowed flex time each month to do volunteer work with Cleveland youth, in the types of programs that Cleveland youth want to participate in. Our angle is that the city might not have money to use for our kids, but it certainly has the manpower.
I’m responsible for gathering data on programs in Ward 13, but I’m also going to call up Neighborhood Connections to see if they can provide me with some data on youth-oriented programs affiliated with them. Adam, remember to call:
• Councilman Cimperman
• Merrick House
• Churches
and follow-up on whatever leads you get, instead of sitting on your duff drinking hard liquor.