Notes From the Underground

•The Cleve­land Plan­ning Com­mis­sion has this awe­some inter­ac­tive map that I was shown last evening while plan­ning the 2007 Cleve­land Lead­er­ship Sum­mit. If you like play­ing with sta­tis­tics, or try­ing to get an overview of basic city sit­u­a­tions, this is the site for you.
• Here is a 2004 pdf from Juve­nile Court with data on juvy crime based on Sta­tis­ti­cal Plan­ning Area. Some inter­est­ing cor­re­la­tions can be found com­par­ing this data to the map.
• If you are famil­iar with any resources and pro­grams for youth and you live in the City of Cleve­land, please give me that infor­ma­tion, includ­ing Ward # and con­tact infor­ma­tion if pos­si­ble.

This is an essen­tial part of our youth need assess­ment which, cou­pled with an in-school sur­vey, will be pre­sent­ed to May­or Jack­son with a request that city employ­ees be allowed flex time each month to do vol­un­teer work with Cleve­land youth, in the types of pro­grams that Cleve­land youth want to par­tic­i­pate in. Our angle is that the city might not have mon­ey to use for our kids, but it cer­tain­ly has the man­pow­er.

I’m respon­si­ble for gath­er­ing data on pro­grams in Ward 13, but I’m also going to call up Neigh­bor­hood Con­nec­tions to see if they can pro­vide me with some data on youth-ori­ent­ed pro­grams affil­i­at­ed with them. Adam, remem­ber to call:

• Coun­cil­man Cim­per­man
• Mer­rick House
• Church­es

and fol­low-up on what­ev­er leads you get, instead of sit­ting on your duff drink­ing hard liquor.

One thought on “Notes From the Underground”

  1. Love the title of the post.

    Thanks for the map. It’s very use­ful for a prospec­tive Clevelander/Tremonter.

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