Ambiguity Festival

I was asked a good ques­tion yes­ter­day. How well do you deal with ambi­gu­i­ty? Which prob­a­bly only seems like an ambigu­ous ques­tion to some­one like me. It is clever in its self-ref­er­ence. I think I answered well enough, and even more­so if the ques­tion­er real­ized that I applied my way of deal­ing with ambi­gu­i­ty in for­mu­lat­ing the answer.

I ran in to Jeff Schuler while he was car­ry­ing his blown-tire bike down Abbey from the RTA sta­tion and offered to give him a ride to his apart­ment. He accept­ed and as we fin­ished load­ing his bike into my back seat a cop pulled up and start­ed has­sling us for “block­ing a lane of traf­fic” which he him­self was doing. We were on W. 20th, which isn’t exact­ly the busiest street in Cleve­land and he told us we should have turned on to Abbey, which is about 400% busier, and park there. I said “I’m just help­ing my friend load his bust­ed bike into the car.” and “We’re leav­ing now.” so he just looked at me sourly and drove off. I want­ed to tell him to go arrest the crack deal­er by Lin­coln Park instead of has­sling a guy in cuff links and a beat­er car help­ing out a friend, but that would­n’t have been very con­struc­tive.

Yes­ter­day was bee-like in busi­ness; I need­ed a beer. Since the weblog­ger meet­up was at the Town Fry­er I decid­ed to head on down there for some fried cat­fish and deli­cious green beans and fried ore­os. I con­vinced Jeff to come with me and he fixed his bike in an instant and I bust­ed out the Mon­goose and we head­ed on down. I got home around 9:30 and was com­plete­ly spent.

One thought on “Ambiguity Festival”

  1. You must’ve got­ten there after I had to take off. I had too much to do last night, sad­ly, to stick around for too long at the meet­up.

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