Kingston v. Le Ray

I had a long week­end in Kingston, Ontario. It is a beau­ti­ful town with awe­some archi­tec­ture and wide­ly-avail­able Orange Crush. Their annu­al busker fes­ti­val was also this week­end, so the streets were full of street per­form­ers, play­ing instru­ments, telling sto­ries, doing mag­ic acts and acro­bat­ics. I had pou­tine, sushi, and cor­nish game hen. On the way back to Cleve­land, I end­ed up in the scari­est place I’ve ever seen; Le Ray, NY. The entire town of Le Ray con­sists of a Super Wal-Mart, a McDon­ald’s, and around 500 sub­di­vi­sion­al clone-hous­es. Every­body was dri­ving an SUV. I got the hell our of there as fast as pos­si­ble. I thought I’d fall­en into the Twi­light Zone. I much rather pre­fer places with char­ac­ter.

2 thoughts on “Kingston v. Le Ray”

  1. Haha­ha. Hon­est­ly, I’m all for putting that right on Kingston’s sign:

    Wel­come to
    Orange Crush Wide­ly Avail­able
    Pop 150,000

  2. If you did that you could expect a steady influx of Amer­i­cans in search of orange-fla­vored nir­vana. I was dev­as­tat­ed when they stopped pro­duc­ing it in the US.

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