
I’m the NEO webgeek pro­filed over at BFD today. Thanks go to Wendy Hoke for ask­ing the ques­tions and George Nemeth for pro­vid­ing the space.

In oth­er news I’ve been slow­ly but steadi­ly refur­bish­ing my 8‑bit NES, its con­trollers, and now the games. Those things are filthy. Iso­propyl alco­hol was­n’t doing the job so I pur­chased a spe­cial pasty sub­stance clean­ing kit. Now it just takes for­ev­er. But no more blink­ing red light! Peo­ple inter­est­ed in play­ing Bub­ble Bob­ble or Excite­bike or get­ting their ass­es hand­ed to them at Ice Hock­ey are wel­come to vis­it.

6 thoughts on “Profiled”

  1. How bout Dr. Mario? I have it on GBA, but there’s no head to that way.

  2. Snog, I can take a look at it to see if I can fix it if you trust me.

    PTB, I have Dr. Mario, yes. I got it at the Mem­phis Flea Mar­ket two or three weeks ago for $2.50.

  3. You get your hands on some Ironsword, you let me know.

    I total­ly rocked that game as a child. It was the only game, actu­al­ly, at which I was any good.

  4. Can you real­ly hit the Bub­ble Bob­ble mon­ster 100 times and get the ‘good end­ing’ to the NES game? I’ve only done it once in ten years of Bub­ble Bob­ble.

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