The New World

I saw Ter­ence Mal­ick­’s The New World a few days ago. He’s real­ly known for his cin­e­matog­ra­phy, [You must see Days of Heav­en if you’ve not already] but what struck me most about The New World was the mon­tage. Not the spin­ning news­pa­per stuff that is most preva­lent, but hon­est to God rhyth­mic mon­tage. The film has a dis­tinct­ly small amount of dia­logue and just slight­ly more nar­ra­tion. It would work as a silent and the edit­ing is inspired in its hybridiza­tion of Sovi­et mon­tage and Godard-lega­cy jump cuts. I’d love to sit with the edi­tors and pick their brains.

The sto­ry did­n’t do so much for me though.