Art Acquirements

DSC01139I final­ly paid Tim Her­ron for my por­trait and brought it home. Now, what to do with it. Give it to mom of course. I went to Duck Island briefly last evening to meet anoth­er local artist and pur­chase some­thing from him. I bought Met­al Bird 3 from the sign guy [lots more of his work here]. Then, on my way out the door, the thong on my Dr. Marten’s san­dals broke, so I had to ped­al home bare­foot. I’m going to miss those sleds, I had them for almost sev­en years.

8 thoughts on “Art Acquirements”

  1. Nice por­trait. I won­der if what hurts mod­ern artists is that ordi­nary folks don’t com­mi­sion and buy art­work from them like in the days before the stores in malls sell­ing pic­tures of Nia­gra Falls with fake ani­mat­ed water?

  2. i won­der why war­ran­ty ends in y and guar­an­tee ends in ee. war­ran­tee, guar­an­ty.….….….…

  3. tim likes to incor­po­rate per­son­al things of his sub­ject in the back­ground of his por­traits.
    whats in the back­ground of yours?

    also, whats mar­i­jua­na onno­tice for on your col­bert board, some­one not shar­ing?

  4. Fencers. The whole thing is fenc­ing themed. Sor­ta iron­ic since it is almost 4 years since I last fenced active­ly.

    re: the mar­i­jua­na, there was a bit of jok­ing going on about it at BFD and then a flame­war erupt­ed. I should make a Tremont one too.

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