Passport and Tickets

I got my pass­port and my Notre Dame foot­ball tick­ets in the mail yes­ter­day. I’ll be going to the Penn State game with my uncle, the same one who took me to my first ND game [and Lou Holtz’s last] as my 16th birth­day present. Tick­ets for Michi­gan, Pur­due and UCLA also go to him, but I’ve got tick­ets for the Mono­gram game against Army to mark the tenth anniver­sary of my first ND game.

The pass­port turn­around was much faster than I thought. Some­thing like a month instead of 3 like I’d heard. Good thing too, because Amer­i­cans won’t be able to get back into the US from Cana­da with­out a pass­port start­ing Jan­u­ary 1, 2007.

Also received in the mail yes­ter­day: Find­er.

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