Spaghetti Carbonara with Heirloom Tomatoes

Spaghetti Carbonara with Heirloom Tomatoes

I made Spaghet­ti Car­bonara AKA Heart-Attack on a Plate yes­ter­day. Here’s how I made it:

5 tea­spoons olive oil
5 gar­lic cloves, fine­ly chopped
7 slices bacon, sliced into juli­enne strips
1 pound spaghet­ti
3 beat­en egg yolks, room tem­per­a­ture
1/2 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup fresh­ly grat­ed Parme­san cheese
basil to taste

In a saucepan, heat oil. Saute gar­lic over medi­um heat until soft. Add bacon and cook for an addi­tion­al 10 min­utes or until bacon is browned. Place to one side. Cook pas­ta in boil­ing water until al dente (about 8 min­utes). With a wire whisk, beat egg yolks and cream until smooth. Add Parme­san cheese and basil to egg and cream mix­ture. Drain pas­ta and return to pot. Pour bacon sauce over pas­ta. [Drain if you want to] Add egg, cream, and cheese mix­ture to pas­ta and toss.

It turned out real­ly well, espe­cial­ly with the deli­cious organ­ic heir­loom toma­toes that were at the West Side Mar­ket this week­end. I won’t make it very often though, since it is so ridicu­lous­ly bad for you.

2 thoughts on “Spaghetti Carbonara with Heirloom Tomatoes”

  1. I made it healthy with organ­ic turkey bacon, low fat milk, pars­ley, basil gar­lic vidalia and chick­en broth. Added some parm reg­giano…

  2. I’ll try that next time. I did­n’t even think about using turkey bacon. I bet it is sup­posed to be made with pancetta, but that is so expen­sive.

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