
I had a den­tist appoint­ment yes­ter­day and I’m still cav­i­ty-less. I did get a refer­ral to an oral sur­geon to get my wis­dom teeth removed, as they’re caus­ing some crowd­ing again. I’m run­ning on 5 hours of sleep since I was at the Lit last night lis­ten­ing to poets and eat­ing cig­a­rette smoke for a near­ly equiv­a­lent amount of time. I final­ly paid Tim Her­ron for the frame on the por­trait he did of me last win­ter. I hauled it home and the next time I see my mom [some­time in Sep­tem­ber we’re going to meet here] I can give it to her. I cer­tain­ly don’t want a life­size por­trait of myself star­ing at me while sit on my ass.