Notre Dame versus Penn State

Notre Dame versus Penn State Pre-GameI went to the home open­er this week­end, and in true foot­ball fan fash­ion I can bare­ly speak today. I drove to my Uncle Corbin’s on Fri­day and had a flat­iron steak and a baked sweet pota­to for din­ner, and we got up the next day, ren­desvoused with some of his friends and head­ed to the Hes­burgh Library park­ing lot for a bit of tail­gat­ing. Corbin had made some deli­cious beef jerky, which I prob­a­bly ate a pound of over the week­end. Of course, I stopped by the Grot­to and then picked up a steak sand­wich from the Knights of Colum­bus. I also saw Jere­my and his fam­i­ly at their tail­gate over by Leg­ends. I stopped by the fenc­ing gym as well, and Coach DeCi­c­co was there enter­tain­ing a bunch of friends.

I always try to get into the sta­di­um in time to watch all of the pre-game warmups and our seats were right behind the flag­pole, we had a pret­ty decent view of all the action despite the fore­short­en­ing. It was a good game. I even got a bit of video of a Quinn to Walk­er TD pass in the north end­zone.

Mom came up to Fort Wayne to vis­it my Aunt Mary so I saw her for a lit­tle bit. I was so exhaust­ed from the game that I was­n’t very coher­ent though. Drove back to Cleve­land yes­ter­day and did my laun­dry. I’ve got tick­ets to the last home game against Army in Novem­ber. My uncle took the rest of ’em.

One thought on “Notre Dame versus Penn State”

  1. Nice video, hope you had a good time. You’re good to go for my house for the Army game. I’ll see if I can get hooked up with that sweet tail­gate spot again.

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