
Buckwheat BlessingYes­ter­day was a ter­ri­ble day to be head­ing west on I‑90. I hit Buf­fa­lo right after the Bills game got out, had tor­ren­tial down­pours all the way to Cleve­land and arrived back in town right when the Browns game fin­ished. Peo­ple were dri­ving and not-dri­ving like jack­ass­es in the rain. The peo­ple pulled over on the side of the road did­n’t turn on their haz­ards and there were peo­ple dri­ving in the rain that had no lights on at all as well.

I picked up Mark Z. Danielewski’s lat­est while I was in Cana­da and an anno­ta­tion of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings that I’ve nev­er seen in the states. It cross-ref­er­ences with his Let­ters and oth­er pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary source mate­r­i­al [much of which I own] so I’ll be geek­ing out in Tolkien-land for awhile.

I ate much deli­cious food and man­aged to find a Notre Dame fan to watch the frig­gin’ game with.