Not My Own Content

I’m not in a con­tent-pro­vid­ing mood this week. Instead, for a change, I’m link­ing to oth­ers’ con­tent. Today I’ll post some links to mp3s you may or may not like.

Eric Satie: 1. Four Gnossi­ennes 1‑Lent 3:34 [mp3]

— Satie was a French com­pos­er who lived in the late 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­turies. If you like this you can lis­ten to much more on Ubu.

The Scar­ring Par­ty: Ocean Bot­tom [mp3]

— I found this song through Metafil­ter Music and liked the band so much I bought their CD. It is great and this song is one of my favorites for 2006. There are a cou­ple more songs avail­able at their site. Please vis­it.

Friend: Flo­ra [mp3]

— Friend is one of my favorite local music acts. It is amaz­ing how the music can qui­et down the row­dy indie crowd. This isn’t my favorite song which is called Tess, but this is anoth­er good one. You can hear more on MySpace.

This Moment in Black His­to­ry: Tape Don’t Lie [mp3]

— Prob­a­bly my favorite Cleve­land band. Great live shows. They’ve got a new album avail­able called It Takes a Nation (of Ass­holes to Hold Us Back). This track is from that album. Hear more on MySpace.

Bob Log III: Log Bomb [mp3]

— Phil over at Lead Singer Dis­or­der slapped me in the face with Fat Pos­sum Records the oth­er day, and I’ve lis­tened to a ton of their free mp3s since. This fat blues jam comes from there.

Jonathan Coul­ton: Man­del­brot Set [mp3]

— This guy writes very enter­tain­ing songs about a vari­ety of things, includ­ing SCIENCE!. This one hap­pens to be about frac­tals. Many of his songs are free, or dona­tion-based down­loads. His busi­ness mod­el pre­dates the iTunes store by quite a bit. Go lis­ten to more by him.

Kansas Joe and Mem­phis Min­nie: When the Lev­ee Breaks [mp3]

— All of the songs on this site are from the Web Archive col­lec­tion, but since they’re already culled and good bluesy stuff it might be more use­ful. This song is NOT a cov­er of the Led Zep­pelin tune, as peo­ple keep think­ing when I make them lis­ten to it. LZ cov­ered it!

The Up Ensem­ble: Bel­ly Danc­ing [mp3]

— These Cleve­land guys do great free-form jazz as well as cre­at­ing some excel­lent fusions between var­i­ous world music styles. More at MySpace.
