Notre Dame versus Army

DSC01458This week­end marks the tenth anniver­sary of my first Notre Dame game: Lou Holtz’s last home game as head coach of Notre Dame, and the last home game in the old sta­di­um. And my 16th birth­day present. After ten years I’m now a Notre Dame alum­nus and sup­ply­ing my Uncle Corbin with tick­ets instead of the oth­er way around. He made a good invest­ment, I think.

I came in on Fri­day and gave Megan a whirl­wind tour of cam­pus, and went to Jere­my’s to meet the newest mem­ber of his house­hold, Michael. At six months he looks more like nine months and is the hap­pi­est baby I’ve ever seen. We went to CJ’s and had the most deli­cious cheese­burg­er in exis­tence and then went home and relaxed a bit. I also had to make a big deci­sion this week­end, but there will be more on that tomor­row.

Game day was chilly, but that was expect­ed. Jere­my had an awe­some tail­gat­ing spot, a bonus of his employ­ment at ND. We had some burg­ers and donuts then went to see the band play and the play­ers walk to the sta­di­um. I got some decent shots that you can see in the Flickr set. We then lis­tened to the march­ing band play on the steps of Bond Hall and high­tailed it to the Main Build­ing rotun­da so we’d have a good spot to see the Trum­pet Sec­tion play. You can see video of this here [YouTube].

At the game itself, the Gold­en Knights Army Para­chute Team brought in the game ball. I taped that as well. Here it is [YouTube]. Then ND kicked the shit out of the the Army foot­ball team and we drove back to Cleve­land.

The entire Flickr set is here.

5 thoughts on “Notre Dame versus Army”

  1. Hap­py Birth­day To You
    Hap­py Birth­day To You
    Hap­py Birth­day Dear Adam
    Hap­py Birth­day To You.
    I love you “big­ger than the uni­verse”.

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