I did my clothes shopping last night, and the bane of my clothes shopping existence continues. It is impossible to find pants in my size, especially when I’m looking for a certain style. The guy at Dillard’s told me that I should drink more beer until I have a 40-inch waistline, because then I can shop in the Big and Tall section. I just want 34x34 flat-front pants without cuffs, one or two pairs in wool and one or two pairs with a slight pattern. A herringbone would be excellent. Two pairs black, one charcoal, one dark brown.
I did manage to snag a pair of dark blue pants at The Gap for $20 that were in my size, but I refuse to drop $98 for one pair of pants at Express Men, no matter how awesome they are. I picked up 3 more MX shirts from there, they were on sale and those shirts fit me perfectly. I finally got some nice black dress shoes as well. They were expensive, but if I’m going to be wearing them 40 hours a week I want them to be as comfortable as possible, and these are more comfortable than my Spezials.
I start my new job on Monday. I met another county employee last night who gave me her card because she wants some work done to her site, and people keep asking me if I’m going to improve the Auditor or Recorder sites. God knows they need it, but those sites are of the few that my division doesn’t have a hand in. People keep directing me to the Summit County site, which has GIS and MIS tools in addition to other great database leverage to serve county residents. I have a feeling I’ll be spending a lot of time looking at how other places around the country do their sites in order to get some ideas on usability and implementation.
I love the fact that I’m in a position where I can bring the average person’s ideas to the table and maybe implement them if all works out. Even though I’ve not even officially started yet. Even though I wasn’t elected, I’m still holding a public office, and a respect for service to the public was probably unknowingly instilled in my by my grandpa. That’s some good motivation.
To me, spending extra bucks on pants is worth the money, especially if you’re going to wear them a lot (I wear jeans a lot a lot, so I’m willing to spend a bit more, though not $200 for “designer” jeans that are 3 feet too long). Shirts are different- they can be cheap.