Reverse Chronological Weekend

The Starlite DesperationThis was anoth­er ridicu­lous week­end of music, art and poet­ry in Cleve­land. Last night I went to C‑Space and lis­tened to a few local women poets fol­lowed by the dou­ble-bar­reled fea­ture shot­gun that is Alixa + Naima [MySpace page]. The poem Being Human [read it here], made me tear up. I snagged their CD and a sweet DIY silkscreen t‑shirt. Give them a lis­ten and a look. It is worth your time.

Sat­ur­day I spent 5 hours watch­ing 6 bands at Parish Hall. It was This Moment In Black His­to­ry’s CD Release par­ty and they were wrap­ping up a tour put togeth­er by their Cold Sweat label. Also on the bill was The Star­lite Des­per­a­tion, a great band with a knock-your-socks-off bass play­er.

Digres­sion: I have come to the con­clu­sion that female bass play­ers are the hottest things going. With the excep­tion of Lisa Umbarg­er from Toad­ies, every female bassist I’ve seen has been ridicu­lous­ly sexy. My friend Bo’s wife for instance; Gail Ann Dorsey; Hei­di Gluck; D’ar­cy Wret­zky; Melis­sa Auf der Maur; the bassist from The Shon­des; the bassist from Good Morn­ing Valen­tine; the bassist from The Star­lite Depres­sion [pic­tured in this post]. The obvi­ous con­clu­sion is that female bass play­ers are kryp­tonite to my cog­ni­tive func­tion.

I picked up CDs from both TMIBH and The Star­lite Depres­sion, and I also saw For­tune’s Flesh [nee The Star­va­tions] [very good], This Blush [good three piece, just drums and keys], Death Sweats [local rau­cousi­ty] and Woman [sucked, had a bass play­er that looked like he was drawn by Arthur Rack­ham. I think the whole band was on hero­in].

I wish every week­end was this fun.

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