The first day at my new gig was pretty much as I expected, lots of meeting people and paperwork, but I did get to start out on some mock-up designs for one of our clients. The only bad thing that happened was the RTA. I’d had luck in the past with it, but that was only taking a Rapid route to the Airport. Trying to figure out bus schedules is an exercise in futility. They really need a fully redesigned site. And bus schedules in the empty slots in every bus. And a trip planner that isn’t worthless. You can’t put in your home address and destination and get the best route, you have to put in the closest bus stop to your source and destination, which, if you don’t know where one is, makes the feature nothing more than a bug. Even once you figure out which stop is closest, it might tell you that you have to walk a half mile to a different stop and will give an estimated trip time of 5 minutes over four miles and including walk time between transfers. And all stops for a bus aren’t listed on the schedules. Also, the buses don’t run on Euclid because of the construction, but the updated routes aren’t posted.
The RTA provides NO easy way to plan and use their system. I’m still going to work it out for my own self, because I’m not going to pay $95/mo to park downtown. I just wish I didn’t need a slide rule and sextant and zodiac chart to figure out which bus to take.