Gun Show

Now that I’ve got­ten back into an exer­cise rou­tine, my old appetite is com­ing back. Yes­ter­day after lift­ing weights I was rav­en­ous. I end­ed up get­ting a 3 egg omelet with home fries and a side of fruit sal­ad for break­fast from Juji’s. Lunch was light, a peanut-but­ter pro­tein smooth­ie from Octane, but I had two din­ners. A mess of broc­coli and feta with some smoked sausage, and then a bit lat­er, a big bowl of oat­meal and some toast. I was just as hun­gry when I woke up this morn­ing as well.

Unless I’ve for­got­ten just how much I can eat, I think my appetite might actu­al­ly be larg­er than usu­al. This has got to be due to the fact that I’m lift­ing weights con­sis­tent­ly for the first time in, well, ever. My upper body is so not-buff that my body must be going through some­thing akin to the reju­ve­na­tion that took place to my left leg once I could start the recu­per­at­ing from my sec­ond kneecap dis­lo­ca­tion. Since I’ve got sig­nif­i­cant help from the gym, I’m also not wor­ried that I’ll injure myself due to igno­rance. I don’t feel buff yet, but just wait until I start car­ry­ing around emp­ty pop cans so I can crush them against my head.

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