
Peo­ple keep telling me to run for an elect­ed office, and my auto­mat­ic response is always leer­i­ness. The hier­ar­chi­cal nature of any bureau­cra­cy restricts ini­tia­tive and that’s my main strength. There’s also always too much talk and too lit­tle action. I’ve been to far too many meet­ings and read far too many weblogs where peo­ple feel per­fect­ly com­fort­able telling how things should be, but do no work them­selves to make those things come about. Action­less pol­i­cy ide­o­logues are real­ly just pub­lic mas­tur­ba­tors.

My moth­er used to always sing the patience song to me, but it nev­er stuck, and my nat­ur­al impa­tience becomes ini­tia­tive when I put it into action. I can’t count the num­ber of times this year that peo­ple have asked me if I’m run­ning for the board of TWDC. There was a time when I thought that work­ing for TWDC would be good for me and the neigh­bor­hood, but now I can bet­ter appre­ci­ate the strengths of unaf­fil­i­a­tion; much in the same way that I refuse to be affil­i­at­ed with a polit­i­cal par­ty. I don’t have to play favorites, focus my work on appeas­ing some­one’s ego, or lick any boots. I’m my own boss and I get much more accom­plished that way.

11 thoughts on “Initiative”

  1. The patience song- is that “Be patient, be patient, don’t be in such a hur­ry…” I freakin’ LOVE that song.

  2. Have patience, have patience
    Don’t be in such a hur­ry.
    When you get impa­tient
    You only start to wor­ry
    Remem­ber, remem­ber
    That God is patient too
    And I for­get the last few lines.…
    Hel­l­llp! Miss Pink Kate!

  3. “Think of all the times when oth­ers had to wait for you!”
    I final­ly remem­bered!
    I know I made your day son-shine!

  4. that song, the be patient song, I heard it on a tape over 20 years ago called i think ‘on the road for jesus’ star­ring the super gang. i’m des­per­ate to hear it again, u dont have a copy do you?

  5. Hey,
    I have no idea who you are, but i find it very iron­ic that i found this blog because…I was writ­ing in one of my blogs about how impa­tient i am, and at the end i put: “My mom always used to sing me and my broth­ers the patient song.” Then i typed it out..and i could­nt remem­ber THE LAST LINE!! So it was both­er­ing me so much that I googled it, and this site was one of the very few that came up…and then you said you did­nt know the end­ing either! lol Any­ways, i see now that you fig­ured it out and that will help me sleep bet­ter.
    Ran­dom I know…but any­ways, thanks for the help.

  6. PLAY SONG – HAVE PATIENCE, by The Music Machine
    Have patience, have patience, don’t be in such a hur­ry.
    When you get impa­tient, you only start to wor­ry.
    Remem­ber, remem­ber, that God is patient too,
    And think of all the times when oth­ers have to wait for you!

    This was and still is some­thing that God used in my life. Patience is a gift from our cre­ator. Through our suf­fer­ings, He uses it and gives us under­stand­ing on how we live. New Life In Jesus Christ so won­der­ful. Gala­tians 5:22–26. Hebrews 2:18

  7. Thank you thank you thank you. I was always a impa­tient kind and my Mom used to sing me than darn song all the time. So today when she was bug­ging me to email her some­thing i looked for the lyrics of the song and emailed them back to her. She called my back prat­icly cry­ing because she though I would nev­er remem­ber that song. I did­nt have the heart to tell her that I just send­ing it to her to get her to back off and give me some time.

  8. Ive been try­ing to remem­ber the last line to that be patient song for years. I was in ele­men­tary school in 1981 (?) when I heard that. I sing it now to my daugh­ter but I nev­er know the whole song. Thanks every­body.

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