
They say that if there is a hit our for you, you’re sup­posed to avoid rou­tine, take dif­fer­ent routes to work, nev­er shop in the same place twice, move often. I walk a dif­fer­ent route to work each day along the same street. Euclid has been under­go­ing infra­struc­ture surgery for quite some time. When morn­ing comes I won­der which side­walk will be closed, which home­less man will be dis­placed from his cor­ner and which store­front is going to be a bit more tor­porous. Cur­rent­ly some pipes that were worked on less than a month ago are being exca­vat­ed from side­walk that was laid last week. This seems to be stan­dard pro­ce­dure. What­ev­er seems pris­tine must be hid­ing some­thing. This seems strange in a world where straight is the only direc­tion it is pos­si­ble to trav­el. Lat­er, my boss and I were almost crushed by a semi that cruised through an old red light.