Or Whatever

I’ve noticed that a typ­i­cal Cleve­land res­i­dent often ends state­ments with the par­tic­u­late phrase “or what­ev­er.” Seman­ti­cal­ly it seems to be the equiv­a­lent in func­tion as “I guess”, a sort of simul­ta­ne­ous space-filler and dis­mis­sive qual­i­fi­er; an inten­tion­al addi­tion so that the speak­er feels that he or she isn’t being over­con­fi­dent in their state­ment or bear­ing. I noticed this habit creep­ing into my speech and had to put a stop to it. I might not always be as con­cise as pos­si­ble, or enun­ci­ate clear­ly, but I think my speech is pret­ty cruft­less in oth­er wise. Now that I’ve most­ly rid myself of this Cleve­land-spe­cif­ic ten­den­cy, or what­ev­er, I’ve start­ed notic­ing it more and more often in oth­er peo­ple’s usage. This abil­i­ty of mine, almost a con­fir­ma­tion bias, only real­ly annoys me in music, as there are cer­tain songs that I’ll notice a tiny piece of sam­pled pro­duc­tion, and then can nev­er merge it back into the sound­scape after­ward, or what­ev­er.

3 thoughts on “Or Whatever”

  1. For the most part, I’m okay with sound­ing like where I’m from–especially when the inter­jec­tion in ques­tion has a rea­son­able inter­pre­ta­tion like the one you cite above. One that I have been try­ing to remove from my speech is “a‑w­hole-nother”. Or, wha-the deal is-tev­er.

  2. In Pitts­burgh, that thrown in end­ing would be “ ‘n at” (and that) as in “Ah’m goin’ dah­n­tahn to see the Stillers ‘n at.”

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