Flash Class

Today is a bit nos­tal­gic of col­lege, a 15 hour day, left when it is dark and won’t get home until it is time to go to bed. I’m at the Tri‑C Cor­po­rate Col­lege right now tak­ing a Flash course on the coun­ty’s dime. We’re on break right now, so no wor­ries.

Books rec­om­mend­ed:
Macro­me­dia Flash Pro­fes­sion­al 8 Hands-On Train­ing
Learn­ing Action­Script 2.0 for Macro­me­dia Flash 8

We’re using this book:
Macro­me­dia Flash Pro­fes­sion­al 8 Revealed

Sites rec­om­mend­ed:

Okay, break is over, back to learn.