Lucky Strike

I got lucky tonight when the pow­er went off at my [most­ly worth­less] Flash class at the Tri‑C Cor­po­rate Col­lege. We left ear­ly, which meant I had time to play pseu­do-catch-up on all the crap that has been pil­ing up at my apart­ment. I used to won­der how it could be pos­si­ble that some­one might not have enough time to read, but with the three vol­un­teer projects I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on, the free­lance work, my reg­u­lar 9–5 and oth­er unseen events, I now have a huge pile of read­ing. I’ve already renewed the Agee book of film reviews twice and Herodotus once. Inci­den­tal­ly, read­ing Herodotus is a lot like read­ing a weblog. I’m two months behind on my Paste sub­scrip­tion, so I’ve def­i­nite­ly got to catch up on that.

I man­aged to watch a Cri­te­ri­on film twice tonight. Hope­ful­ly I’ll be able to fin­ish the review tomor­row. I was pseu­do-MetaFil­tered when some­one linked to my Cri­te­ri­on Project in anoth­er post about some­one who intends to watch all of the films. I only got about a 30% increase in traf­fic, [took me for­ev­er to remem­ber the pass­word to check my web­stats] which is good. If I had been linked on the front page, I’d prob­a­bly have to pay a hefty serv­er bill this month.

Check­ing the web­stats revealed that the string that keeps result­ing in hits for my site is “rape scenes” ever since, way back when, I reviewed Straw Dogs. And now I prob­a­bly just increased the chance of my site show­ing up in that result by writ­ing it here. DON’T INDEX THIS, BOT!

Going to sleep now. I’ll be bowl­ing for Har­vest for Hunger tomor­row at the Cor­ner Alley. I was shang­haied by the Depart­ment of Devel­op­ment when they lost a per­son. The Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers are bowl­ing against City offi­cials tomor­row before us nobody’s get to work. I haven’t bowled in a few years but I ful­ly intend to kick every­one’s ass.

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