Music Notes

My favorite song off the new Air album is Napalm Love.

Winc­ing the Night Away did­n’t do much for me, I think I’m out­grow­ing Shin­sish music.

On the oth­er hand, Ratatat’s Clas­sics is final­ly start­ing to grow on me. Ratatat Remix­es would be bet­ter if the rap was­n’t quite so gangs­ta.

I’m lik­ing Cat Sci­en­tist, although no one else seems to be.

I need to lis­ten to LCD Soundsys­tem’s 45:33 and see if it real­ly is a great work­out tune or not.


Sum­mer bet­ter show up soon, I needs me some night­ly music fix­es.

In the upcom­ing playlist: Jen­ny Lewis and the Wat­son Twins, Clin­ic, Alis­dair Roberts, LCD Soundsys­tem, Albert Ayler, Devotch­ka.

One thought on “Music Notes”

  1. i real­ly liked ratatat’s “clas­sics.” nev­er gave ait much of a lis­ten. what i heard was always real­ly light and kin­da weak for my taste at the time. maybe i should give them anoth­er shot. ive real­ly been dig­gin the new arcade fire. i know, real­ly safe choice but it real­ly is awe­some. the new clin­ic albums is great. tons dif­fer­ent from their old­er stuff but i real­ly like it. ive been lis­ten­ing to a lot of sil­ver­sun pick­ups and dirty on pur­pose late­ly too.

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