
I’m putting a bid in on a house today. This is seri­ous busi­ness. I think that I’ve done as much research, plan­ning and judg­ment as pos­si­ble. I’ve con­sult­ed friends, neigh­bors, coun­try­men, undoc­u­ment­ed immi­grants, stray cats, augur­er and harus­pex. I’ve even done the math n times. Every­thing seems to be work­ing out. Even with all of that, I’m still ridicu­lous­ly ner­vous. I feel like I’m miss­ing or for­get­ting some­thing. Mom is the only one who thinks I’m mov­ing too quick­ly, it may be this that is trou­bling me, since I respect her expe­ri­ence. The place is a two-unit colo­nial built in 1900, on a sta­ble res­i­den­tial street and off-street park­ing. Even with­out a ten­ant upstairs, the mort­gage should be eas­i­ly afford­able. I’m jumpy. What!

5 thoughts on “Bid”

  1. I would­n’t wor­ry about feel­ing like you moved too fast. We did­n’t move fast enough the first time we put a bid in and missed out, lucky for us the peo­ple that beat us on the bid had theirs fall through so we could fol­low up.

    If you decide you want to do some fix­ing up, let me know. I’ve had some expe­ri­ence with that now and would be hap­py to con­sult or even to help if I can work it into my sched­ule.

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