Canada 2007 Day 6

DSC01912 I got up around 5am today and went out with my cousin Luke to cast for pike before the old folks woke up. The night before I beat my Uncle Corbin by 72 points at bid Euchre. Over­all, Luke and my boat had the best day, we came home with 3 wall­eye, one of which was Luke’s tro­phy, a 27-inch pike and a cou­ple of fatass perch. I for­got to take a show­er yes­ter­day but man­aged one today before tak­ing a nap while the pic­tures uploaded. I don’t think I’ll be going out to fish tonight, and since we’re so close to our lim­it, no one prob­a­bly will. We’re hav­ing chick­en teriya­ki and pineap­ple upside down cake for dessert.

One thought on “Canada 2007 Day 6”

  1. This is so nice to have pics and nar­ra­tive to help us know how well your trip is going. Get some shots of Dean and Corbin and the guys from Ft. Wayne so their fam­i­lies have some­thing to see.
    Thanks hon­ey for keep­ing us post­ed. Your Mom loves you

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