Linoleum Liberation

Dining Room Floor I’m spend­ing my 4th of July soak­ing the din­ing room floor with water and scrap­ing up the linoleum that was under the car­pet and over the hard wood floors. I’ve been pulling sta­ples and nails out of the floors for a cou­ple of days, one room at a time and was get­ting quite dusty and hack­ing a bit because of it. I bought myself a nice res­pi­ra­tor today because there will be a few met­ric tons more of dust before I’m fin­ished and the paper job­bers weren’t going to cut it. I think this linoleum is the same linoleum that was on the floor at the Last Sup­per. It appears to be that old. Right now I’m tak­ing care of the labor-inten­sive but inex­pen­sive bits of fix­in’up until my finances have a chance to resolve back into some­thing approx­i­mat­ing equi­lib­ri­um. So I bought a wall­pa­per strip­per doohick­ey and once the floor stuff is fair­ly well tak­en care of I’ll start in on the nico­tine-stained yel­low wood­grained wall­pa­per.

I’ve cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion on Flickr for house relat­ed hap­pen­ings.

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