
In oth­er gym-relat­ed news, there is this dude who I’ve seen at the gym since I start­ed going there that nev­er lifts weights. He dicks around the entire time, almost always look­ing at him­self in the mir­ror and going through the motions of lift­ing weights, set­ting up the bar, adjust­ing seat heights, switch­ing out han­dles and weights, clean­ing the bench, sit­ting down and get­ting “in the zone”, but nev­er actu­al­ly doing a set or even a rep. He spends some­thing like an hour in the lock­er room, groom­ing and comb­ing his hair and shit too. I once showed up and he was in the lock­er room comb­ing his hair, did my approx­i­mate­ly one-hour work­out, and when I went to the lock­er room he was still comb­ing his hair. Weird thing is, the guy is frig­ging ripped, so he must actu­al­ly lift some­time.

Saloio bread is gross. I picked up a loaf from Dav­e’s because it seemed to be the clos­est bak­ery approx­i­ma­tion to whole wheat, since they were out of the lat­ter. It is salty as hell, crumbly, dense, and chewy. It tastes worse than the home­made hosts that Fr. Stan makes back at St. Gabriel’s in Con­nersville. Nev­er again.

I get so much weird junk mail about mort­gages now that I’m a home­own­er. A lot of it is obvi­ous scam stuff about PMI and refi­nanc­ing, but some of it is not so obvi­ous scam stuff that looks like offi­cial doc­u­men­ta­tion from Fifth Third. Today how­ev­er, I received a scratch off tick­et. It says on the tick­et that all tick­ets are win­ners for stuff like an xBox or iPod Video, the only oblig­a­tion is to sit through a demon­stra­tion of some home care prod­ucts. Fat chance.

I also both like and have a crush on some­one. 🙂