It has been a busy few days. Thursday was the Night to Unite which I have a bunch of photos of since I let Amy use my camera. Friday I ended up working a bit later than usual since some important web maintenance came in right at the end of the work day and I was the only one left around to post it. I suppose I shouldn’t complain too much though, since I got to watch the Thunderbirds practice for the airshow most of the day out of my office window. Once I got home my friend Sandy needed some help replacing her ancient 200#+ stove with a much newer and hipper model. Since I just went through that myself, I helped with the gas and sundries. Then I had to rush to get clean and hit the grocery store for the fixings for dinner. I had a friend over and grilled some marinaded ribeye steaks with baked sweet potatoes and snow peas. It was delicious.
Saturday was an early start in order to get to the Georgia Tech versus Notre Dame disasterbacle. I met up with Liam and once-again pregnant Anne [this time Liam won and it is a boy] for a brief moment before going in search of Jeremy. [jmay, I was gonna surprise call you when I got in town, but don’t have your digits anymore. I sucked at that. Sorry to miss you man.] After the game there was an interminable hour spent waiting to get out of the parking lot, because everyone kept letting people in front of them. I vented my road rage for a bit and then realized it would be much better to appreciate the good company I was in. Stopped at Fazoli’s on the way home and got back into Cleveland without even being drowsy thanks to great conversation.
Sunday was pretty much a wash, late breakfast and a couple of recupernaps. Watched a pretty terrible movie called Sunshine [it is just as forgettable and pretty much exactly like some movie that I once saw about going to the center of the earth and setting off a bomb.] while doing infinite laundry and cleaned house.
Today I finished scraping the walls and sanding in the master bedroom. I also mowed the yard and trimmed and swept and made a list and checked it twice. Tonight or tomorrow I have to watch The Wages of Fear and use the recommended Zinsser primer on the walls prior to picking out some paint. Probably tomorrow, since I’ve been invited to hang out with Sandy and Amy tonight for some grilling.
I’m going to begin slipping “disasterbacle” into my everyday language. Good made-up words like that shouldn’t be wasted. Thanks Harv.
You should have stopped by the post-tailgate. Many drinks of sorrow and brats of gnashing teeth were consumed.