Illustrator Class

I’m tak­ing an Illus­tra­tor class at CSU’s CCE. I’ve picked up a cou­ple of good tips, but what I’m start­ing to dis­cov­er is that all of these con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion cours­es move far too slow­ly for me. These class­es only move at the pace of the slow­est stu­dent, which is typ­i­cal­ly some­one who has nev­er used a graph­ic design pro­gram before. Grant­ed, these are begin­ner class­es, but when you’re mov­ing at the pace of the accoun­tant-stu­dent, it gets tough to stay inter­est­ed.

Plus, there is a required book for this course that the CSU book­store did­n’t have in stock. The instruc­tor said that we would­n’t be able to take the course with­out the book, so some oth­er lady, after telling us it was our fault for not hav­ing the book, made some calls and appar­ent­ly got some shipped to us overnight by UPS. There are only a few hours left of this class and I still don’t have a book. When it comes in, I’m cer­tain­ly not going to pur­chase it. Okay, I bought it. The Coun­ty will reim­burse me, and then any­one else there who wants to learn Illus­tra­tor can just bor­row the book instead of tak­ing the class.

I do enjoy learn­ing the the things that are new to me, but I keep hop­ing these class­es will give pro­fes­sion­al work­flow and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tips in addi­tion to the intri­ca­cies of the pen tool and the dif­fer­ence between raster and vec­tor. It is also pret­ty lame when the course just fol­lows along the book. If I want­ed that I’d’ve just bought the book in the first place.

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