
Weird dream last night. I’m in a space­ship with some ran­dom acquain­tances who are my crew­mates and we’re trav­el­ing through space and/or time for some rea­son. The trip removes or retards all of our pri­ma­ry sex­u­al char­ac­ter­is­tics but no one seems to care about that or any­thing much, except me, even when some folks die under mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances. Even­tu­al­ly some­one fig­ures out that we’ve lost all ambi­tion and will to pow­er as well as the naughty bits. I still have some, but this is explained because I am Chief Engi­neer, and there­fore have more in the first place. We’ve still got intel­li­gence, but noth­ing to dri­ve it.

We land on this plan­et and start a col­lec­tive farm that looks like my Aun­t’s in Noblesville, only not sur­round­ed by devel­op­ment. There are lots of strange crit­ters and more crew die, but no one is inter­est­ed in help­ing out, or even mourn­ing real­ly. Then it turns out that one of the crew has become obsessed with a local devour­ing mon­ster with spi­der-like asso­ci­a­tions, and has been feed­ing oth­er crew to it. This girl gets a cut on her fin­ger try­ing to pro­tect the evil thing when we burn the barn it is in, and an egg is secret­ly laid in the cut so anoth­er mon­ster will be born and the crazy girl is sort of erot­i­cal­ly and secret­ly pleased by this and does­n’t tell any­one. Some­how I just know it is going to hatch and devour her from the inside. I hate when my dreams set them­selves up for obvi­ous sequels. This one was espe­cial­ly weird due to the asso­ci­a­tions of gen­der iden­ti­fi­caiton, sex dri­ve, and ambi­tion.

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