- How DNS works.
- How to set up a Mac share that is accessible by PCs.
- How good challah bread is. Especially with Boar’s Head tavern ham, a slice of edam and some brown sugar and pecan mustard. [I’m also aware of just how religiously inappropriate that sandwich is.]
- That sex can sometimes feel so good to a woman that they are convinced that they are going to end up pregnant afterward; even if that is not possible.
- That olive oil cake is ridiculicious. [Now I must learn how to make it.]
- The basics of how artists appreciate art. [DAIJ.]
- To use the
- That picking a paint color for the wall of the master bedroom will likely determine the basic color scheme for the entire house. [White it is?]
- That people will bicker over the same things incessantly even when possible courses of action appear; because they are lazy.
- About serifs.
- Seats at the Cinematheque are too close together for my knees. [I already knew this, but keep forgetting.]
- How to pitch my team’s capabilities so that clients trust us with most of the design and development process.
- The wind on Carnegie Bridge can get so strong that it becomes nearly impossible to pedal a bicycle.
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does your mom read your blog?